Picking the Perfect Costume for Halloween


What are you talking about, man? In Terminator 2, among other places, we see a large plastic handgun, a jacket fashioned to seem like leather, and a pair of sunglasses all utilised together. Ask your elder brother to paint your face like The Crow when you’re older. Instead, he’ll do a Peter Criss inspired cat face paint job, making you appear like a kitty. To generate a commotion because Halloween will not go as planned.

By the Time You’re Twelve

When you move to a new town for sixth grade, your next-door neighbour, who is also a student at your school, invites you to play football with him at lunch. Calm down for a second. They seem like cool, trendy teenagers. Please go trick-or-treating with them if they invite you! For whatever reason, perhaps because you are a peculiar lone geek, you decide to dress yourself like Charlie Chaplin.

In case you are 17 years old

This year, Halloween is on a weekday, and you’ve been selected to your high school’s social committee. Make it a “spirit week” for the whole office, and have a Naruto halloween Costume contest on Friday.

Once you become eighteen years old.

Everyone says West Hollywood is the place to be, and it’s just a 20-minute drive from your school. It’s a last-minute effort since you’re an eager first-year student taking too many classes. In the end, you can get all you need from a thrift store if you only swing by for a few minutes, Dangerous Profession.

When you reach the age of 22.

You’re young, recently single, and have a suspicion that you could be homosexual; the possibilities are endless. You’re a little of a nerd, a bit of an introvert, and you’re not quite ready to start dressing up in drag just yet. The classic could need some somewhat friendly updates, so why not get one? Visit the thrift store you spotted when you awkwardly ventured into the “women’s” section and buy a red hat, red blouse, and a denim overall dress thing. Embrace your inner Genderqueer Mario. Construct a “M” from construction paper to go on top of the hat, and grow a moustache if you can.

After becoming 24 years old.

Your Russian husband has decided to dress like a member of Pussy Riot, which involves only donning a balaclava and an outfit. Dress to impress because you’ve finally reached the stage where you feel comfortable going out in public wearing a dress. You don’t have any bras, and as far as we know, you’ve never even set foot in the women’s underwear section of a shop.

Within the age range of 25 and 28.

From now on, all female Halloween costumes must be worn. For the time being, we will continue to treat them as costumes. Yet, in time they will become extensions of who you are in months outside October.

When your age reaches 29.

On the 30th of September, your friend has decided to end her life by taking her own. Stop working as a high school teacher and plan to slack off for the following month. Except from the fact that her birthday was probably around the 25th of the month, you probably won’t even be able to tell that it’s October.