How to Pamper Yourself and Your Family on a Budget


Tired of the same-old lockdown patterns of the last year? Are you ready to give yourself some much-needed pampering? With not much room for social spending in the past year, you may have some leftover funds that you’re now ready to spend on your family–but how?

Here are some ways to pamper yourself and your family while still being mindful of the world’s situation and your budget:

Buy something that will benefit the family in the long run

Your way of pampering need not be a temporary thing. You can choose to prioritize the needs of the family or yourself and spend your money wisely. If the family home has been in desperate need of a new couch or a new appliance for a while now, your hard-earned money might be better used to address this need rather than doing something frivolous.

Find ways to bond and have fun

Your options range from something as simple as taking a no-phones day to something more indulgent like choosing to buy face mask online, or it can be getting a new subscription to an online streaming site where you can binge-watch a show the family has been looking forward to. It can also be something like ordering in for the whole day, allowing the cooks of the family to have a free day from the kitchen. In desperate need of spa treatment? Buy the kit and treat everyone to this once-in-a-blue-moon experience at home.

Save the money for a bigger-ticket item

There are free ways to pamper the family, ranging from cooking a fancy meal for them or offering to do their errands for them. Then, you can use your money to save for a big-ticket item the family has been putting on hold for a while. Being able to afford the downpayment to a house with a bigger backyard or a bigger floor area would definitely be the ultimate show of love. And while you’re at it, maybe you can call in the expert deck restoration people at to put that old deck in order.

Give them gift cards

If you’d rather spend your time doing a solitary activity, perhaps the rest of your family would like the same thing. If you have plenty of other opportunities to bond, pamper them in a way that goes against the grain. Gift cards allow them the freedom to buy anything they want, whenever they want. And if they want to save the gift card for use later, they can do that too.

When gifting gift cards, make sure it’s from a place that your family members frequent; if not, just give them the cash to spend however they please. This might not feel like pampering, but this is a way to separate your gift from yourself. You’re telling them that you care about their needs and that you know they know their own needs better.

You and the whole family sure need a break after the year we’ve all been through. Think of all your options and go with the one that has the most impactful effect on your family, whether that means spending time with them or letting them buy anything they want.