How to cosplay


Since you already know about the history of the cosplay, cosplay step we will understand how to do it. The important thing about cosplay, the first thing to note is that, it is a kind of self-expression and performance art. There’s nothing wrong with wearing clothes in cosplay, which makes it a very inclusive culture. This means that how you dress and what you choose to wear is entirely up to you. You have plenty of room to interpret, create and innovate your own character.

If this is the first time you play cosplay, you don’t know where to start, then don’t see again! In the next section, we’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to succeed in your role.

  1. Choose your character

Before you do anything, you must choose the role you are going to play. This may seem obvious, but the key is to condense many choices down to one character. This will make all the remaining steps in the list smoother. So how do you narrow your choices down to just one?

First, an important strategy is to choose a character that you can get along with temperamentally. For example, if you’re easily frightened, naive, humble, and supportive, you might want to consider toad from Super Mario Bros because he fits that description. Again, this is not mandatory, and the beauty of cosplay is that you can choose characters that are not related or similar to you in any way, shape or form.

Second, you can try to think of characters who already have similar physical characteristics to you. This is because if you already look natural, your transition will be more seamless. For example, if you’re a woman with long red hair, you might want to consider roles that fit the description. I think of Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Note that it is not necessary to look like a character naturally. Most cosplayers dress up as something completely different from themselves, and this is totally encouraged. Anyone can play any role they like!

Another factor to consider is the difficulty of the character’s costume design. If this is your first time playing cosplay, it’s best to choose a character with a simple design. If you like Captain America, I suggest you to directly buy Captain America Costume will be more convenient, because Captain America’s clothes are not easy to make by yourself. This means you can assemble a costume with fewer parts, which can save you time and money. Sailor Moon, for example, is a relatively easy character to cosplay because her costume is so simple. Or you can be one of the powerpuff Girls, which is a very easy costume to make.

On the other hand, characters like Groot or Bowser are more difficult because their designs are so detailed that they require more custom components. For example, in Bowser, you need a spiny shell, a spiny tail, horns, etc. These are relatively difficult or expensive items to make. Simplicity is just a guideline we’d like to give, but again, the choice is entirely up to you!

  1. Set your budget

It may go without saying, but when it comes to role-playing, spending your hard-earned money is incredibly easy. That number can add up quickly. Some of the most complex role-plays we’ve seen cost more than $1,000. But don’t get discouraged, because role-playing for less than $100 is entirely possible. The great thing about cosplaying is that how much money you want to spend is entirely up to you!

So in step three, you need to set a total budget for your outfit. Be realistic when deciding the size of your budget. Of course, if you like Thor, you can buy fat thor costume directly. If you choose a character who wears an elaborate and challenging costume, you may have to spend more. At this stage, you should look at the cost of items, accessories, supplies, and anything else you need to integrate into your role play. We also recommend that you start making a budget form so that you can easily plan out all the parts of your outfit and how much you expect them to cost.

The good news is that you don’t need a lot of money to execute an amazing cosplay! The more willing you are to do it yourself, the lower the final cost will be. If you like to do it yourself, then this is definitely a more cost-effective option and will keep your budget lower. The other part of DIY is that it takes longer to create, so make sure you factor that into your schedule.

  1. Make a list of what you need

It’s time to break your spreadsheet at this step, because you’ll be creating a list of everything you need for your cosplay. This list should first include every part of the outfit.

  1. Buy your goods and supplies

Once you have everything on your list, you can start shopping for all the parts and any supplies your role-play needs to bring your character to life. We recommend that you use the same spreadsheet you used to create a list to keep track of all your purchases and also keep track of your costs.

Now you’re ready for your cosplay debut

Congratulations to you! Now that you’ve completed the entire list, you’re ready for your big cosplay debut. Now that you know all the steps of cosplay, we can’t wait to see what your costume will look like. We recommend making your debut at an upcoming gaming event or convention, where you can expect hundreds of people to dress up as their favorite characters. Who knows, you might even consider entering a cosplay competition sometime in the future. Whatever you decide to do with your cosplay, it’s going to be great. Welcome to the exciting world of cosplay!